AO Scan


It’s all about the flow of energy.

I heard about this “AO SCAN” thing. I’m told you got to try it.

People keep saying, “It’s amazing what it can identify from physical struggles to your emotions and negative beliefs. I wasn’t sure what to think of this ‘bioenergetic’ thing and how could it help. All I knew is all about the flow of energy, and I know I need more energy!”

I decided to give it a whirl, and like everyone else I was in awe. This system could tell me what emotions, what negative beliefs, what physical struggles are tripping me up. It was mind blowing.

How can it do that? I don’t get it, but it’s accurate. You have to truly try it to understand it. The treatment modality was very unique, different, and very cool.

What is bioenergetics and how is it helpful to your mental and physical wellness?

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It’s all about the flow of energy in the body relating to both physical and emotional issues in over 150 different areas. It connects into the meridians and human body field. It identifies on a level of priority how off the energy is based on frequencies.

These frequencies have been mapped out through research to identify at what frequency our body needs to vibrate. The cool thing is that we have TONS of different vibrating frequencies in our body.

Think about a cell. It needs to vibrate to hold the cell together, to form bonds, to break bonds. It’s all based on energy.

When vibrations are not happening at the proper frequency, then the cell doesn’t work properly. This can lead to ill health, physically and emotionally.

With the NES Health System, we work to target those areas where the frequency is not at an optimal state for health to be present. We work to support the body in those areas through the use of the miHealth device and infoceuticals.

A miHealth device emits frequencies which help to provide the body with the information it needs to release the “stuck” energy. Infoceuticals are drops which help with resetting energy pathways on a daily basis. This program allows for the WHOLE person to be addressed at one time versus addressing one issue at a time.

Be curious. Try something different.

If you feel you want to utilize the AO Scan to address physical and/or mental health struggles, contact me at (920) 277-6738 or fill out the form below.

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